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Load-In Volunteers

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Load In takes place on the Wednesday and Thursday before con. Wednesday’s work is at the NESFA club house in Somerville, Massachusetts and will probably only take a few hours. It involves packing things into a truck so they can go to the hotel. Thursday’s work is either at the hotel in Boston or the Arisia storage in Haverhill, and will be off and on from around 10am to maybe 6pm. People at storage will take items that are tagged to go to con and pack them onto a truck. People who are at the hotel will take items from the truck and distribute them around the hotel. This may involve some heavy lifting, though most things aren't heavier than 25lbs, and many things are on wheels. This position does not involve advanced truck packing skills, though they would be appreciated. This position does involve general mobility and flexibility. Volunteer hours for both Load In and Load Out are doubled.

At-con, Light lifting, Heavy lifting, Post-con, With team

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