The purpose of this Art Show is to exhibit and sell original artwork of a science fiction, fantasy, horror, and/or fannish nature. Both flat and 3-D artwork will be accepted for display and sale. Artwork may be offered for sale at fixed prices only.
Art Show Rules
- All flat art must be bagged, matted, framed or otherwise mounted. Framed works must have a wire for hanging.
- Every piece — print, flat or 3-D — must be labeled with its title, price, and the artist's name.
- All sales will be for whole-dollar amounts.
- Multiple copies of a single image may be entered in the show. Up to 10 copies of any item will be accepted. We will provide long-nose hooks for hanging multiple copies on your panel. We do not have a separate space for displaying or selling prints.
- Mechanically reproduced work is welcome to be displayed or sold.
- Once an item has been checked in at the convention, it may not be withdrawn or the conditions of sale (e.g., the price) changed without the consent of the Art Show Director.
- All entries of original art or prints must be your own work (or copies of your own work) on a science fiction, fantasy or speculative theme. We will not permit the resale of previously purchased artwork.
- In order to be represented by an agent at the convention, you must complete the agency section of the reservation form.
- Piece information (for tags and control sheets) is due Thursday, January 6, 2022, by 11:59pm. Failure to provide piece information on time will result in delays on arrival.
- Artist Check-in will be 8pm to 11pm Thursday and noon to 5pm Friday of the convention.
- Your artwork and prints are not officially checked into the Art Show until the control sheets have been checked and signed by a staff member. Failure to comply can result in delayed payment.
- Space reservations will not be held past 5:00pm on Friday except by advance request. The show will be open to the general convention membership starting at 6:00pm on Friday. If you can, please plan to be set up by that time. Unclaimed space may be forfeited (along with fees paid) and reassigned to walk-in artists.
- Artist Check-out will be 7pm to 9pm, Sunday and 10am to 1pm, Monday. Please keep our Artist Check-out hours in mind and plan on having your items out of the Art Show before the end of Artist Check-out so that we may clear the room as soon as possible. We reserve the right to remove artwork from its display space in order to expedite the tear-down process.
- Your artwork and prints are not officially checked out of the Art Show until the control sheets have been checked and signed by a staff member. Failure to comply can result in delayed payment.
- The Arisia Art Show does not provide insurance coverage for art entered in the show or during shipping. You should ensure that your own insurance will cover your art.
- Art sales do not include reproduction rights. The artist and buyer must negotiate separately in accordance with current copyright laws.
- For your protection, photography will not be permitted in the Art Show, with the exception of supervised, professional press and Arisia, Inc. If you object to having your works used, with credit, by press reviewing the convention or by Arisia, Inc. in its publications, please indicate this on your reservation form.
- By applying to the Arisia art show, you agree that your sample image will be covered by the Arisia media recording policy. Individuals agreeing to this policy retain copyright in their image with the following exceptions:
- Arisia, Inc and its representatives are granted the non-exclusive right to use uploaded images for any purpose related to advertising and promotion.
- Arisia, Inc and its representatives are granted the right to modify images. This grant of rights includes typical photo processing such as cropping, color/white balancing, etc.
- The images may be distributed in print and other formats including electronic.
- Please indicate on your reservation whether you are willing to allow members to touch your artwork as part of the Access Docent Tour for the visually impaired.
- Arisia will make all efforts to mail checks to the artists promptly. Checks will be made payable to the artist unless otherwise requested by the artist in writing.
By submitting the online form you signify that you have read and accepted these rules.
Art Show Fees
- The basic unit of space for flat work is the panel, which is made of pegboard and is 4’ by 4’ (extending from 36" to 84" above the floor). For 3-D art, the basic unit is the table, which is 6' long by 30" deep. Please remember that the space you reserve must include any clearance between pieces, including space for their tags. Your artwork may not extend beyond the edge of your tables or the sides or top of your panels, and it may not interfere with any works displayed by any other artist. Artwork may hang below the bottom of pegboard panels, if each piece is directly attached to the panel and does not touch the floor.
- You are not limited to buying full panels or tables. The available fractional units and their prices are as follows:
1 Table 72" X 30" $36 1 Panel 4' X 4' $28 1/2 Table 36" X 30" $18 1/2 Panel 4' X 2' $18 - Each artist may request up to four panels or two tables, or a combination of panels and tables up to a maximum of four.
- Floor space for large, free-standing artwork will be charged at a special rate. Please email us for a rate quote and include all details about the pieces and supports.
- In an effort to encourage student artists, the reservation fee for the first panel or table is waived for all high school students and any college art student enrolled full-time in an accredited degree-granting institution. Please include student status documentation with your reservation.
- Cancellations on or before November 30 will receive a full refund. Cancellations from December 1 to December 31 will receive a half refund. Cancellations received after December 31 will not be refunded.
- Arisia will accept mailed-in art and prints. There will be a $20 handling fee per artist for mailed-in art. A prepaid return shipping label or completed waybill should accompany the art.
- Mailed-in artwork must arrive at the receiving address by Jan. 7, 2022. Please include a hanging layout, or other instructions for hanging your mail-in artwork. Remember to include space for tags for your art. If the Art Show staff cannot reproduce your layout or you do not include a layout, some of your artwork may not be hung. In the absence of specific instructions, the Art Show staff may exclude pieces at its discretion. If you can, test your layout before mailing to be sure that everything fits in the space purchased. The more explicit your instructions, the better the chance that we will be able to hang all of your work. Bear in mind that tags are 2.125" high by 3.5" wide.