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Load-Out Volunteers

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Load Out takes place Monday of the con, starting midday, with a little bit of work Tuesday morning. It involves taking the packed stuff from each Area or Division from certain points in the hotel, packing them in a truck, taking them to Arisia storage in Haverhill, and unloading them into the right sections. This may involve some heavy lifting, though most things aren't heavier than 25lbs, and many things are on wheels. This position does not involve advanced truck tetrising skills, though they would come in handy. This position does involve general mobility and flexibility. Dinner will be provided for the volunteers at storage, and the volunteers at the hotel can pop into Dead Dog at some point. For volunteers at storage, transportation will be provided back to the hotel to pick up vehicles. Load Out might involve about 6-8hrs, give or take. This is not continuous work though. Hours count double for Load Out.

At-con, Light lifting, Heavy lifting, Post-con, With team

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   Arisia '22 is over. Please visit the new convention site: