Visit Our New Site

   Arisia '22 is over. Please visit the new convention site:

Information for Professionals

I am a professional author, artist, editor, maker, or publisher. How could I get involved with Arisia?

We love to have experts from many areas speak on our programming. If you are interested in being a program participant, please see our program participation page.

Arisia is a non-profit convention and can not offer any general participants a per-diem, hotel accommodations or other forms of reimbursement other than Green Room access and registration. For further information on these topics, contact @email.

If you would like to display and sell your work at Arisia, consider the Art Show or Dealers Room.

Finally, there is the Creators' Corner where artists and authors can rent a table to promote their own work at the convention. These slots tend to be longer than signings and there has historically been a small fee attached. You can contact @email for more information and to sign up for notification once this area starts accepting applications for this year.

Visit Our New Site

   Arisia '22 is over. Please visit the new convention site: