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   Arisia '22 is over. Please visit the new convention site:

Fast Track and COVID

Arisia is happy to announce that with the approval of vaccines for children ages 5 to 11 that we will be able to host Fast Track at our upcoming convention.  For this year, we will allow five-year-olds to register for Fast Track. Unfortunately, we will not be able to host a Turtle Track this year. Only fully vaccinated children will be allowed to attend Fast Track.  This means you will need to schedule your child’s first dose a minimum of five weeks prior to the convention, with the first dose on or before December 10.  

In addition, Fast Track will be requiring temperature checks the first time your child comes into Fast Track each day, masks at all times, and no food in Fast Track.  Any child displaying Covid or Flu-like symptoms will need to be picked up by their authorized grown-up immediately.  Help us keep everyone safe and healthy!

We are still working out the details of what Fast Track programming will look like.  It may not be as comprehensive as in years past, but we will do  our best to provide a fun and entertaining space for your kids at the convention.

In order to make this year’s Fast Track successful we will need your help!  Fast Track is currently seeking volunteers and staff members to help out during the convention. If you are interested in hosting a workshop, craft project, or other fun event for kids ages 5 to 11 please reach out to Aimee at  We will also need support from volunteers who can help with room monitoring and checking kids in at the fast track front desk.

Thank you for your patience as we navigated the best ways to keep everyone safe. I am very excited and grateful that we will be able to provide children’s programming this year.  I have definitely missed hanging out with all the awesome Arisia kids!

Visit Our New Site

   Arisia '22 is over. Please visit the new convention site: